My first blog, or more accurately rant.
After 10+ years in IT, I've returned to college to finish off my bachelors degree in computer engineering and the quality (or lack of) of text books still amazes me.
Personally, any text book author that repeatedly uses the phrases "its clear that..." or "its obvious that" is not really in touch with his audience. Yes, its clear to you, you're a Ph.D, have years and years of experience teaching, applying, and/or using the subject matter of your book! In both my physics and engineering books that the authors write a paragraph, throw up some equations and state, "it's obvious from x that y is z". No! Its not! If it was obvious to me, I woudn't be reading your book!
Of course, if you're reading a calculus book and the author states "its clear that 2+2=4" that fine. But, I'm talking about advanced methods being introduced for the first time, no 1st grade teacher will state on the first day of school, "its clear that the 2+2=4", now on to square roots!
I know I'm not alone, as other students chime in with me...maybe my university just has a terrible choice in text books? Of which, most of the authors are tenured professors at said university.